Simply choose your style on the product page then click the “Add To Cart” button and follow the simple steps to complete your order.
We’ll prepare your order and let you know when it’s on its way!
Production Time: 0 – 7 business days. Each of our products is made-to-order only for you so the production time will be a little bit longer than usual. Please be patient!
Shipping Time:
+ Standard Shipping (to United States): The shipping cost is $6.99.
It takes 9 – 18 business days to successfully delivered. So, The estimated time from when you order the product to when you receive it is 15 – 35 days.
Tracking numbers can take 1-2 days to appear in the shipping carrier’s system. Occasionally, the shipping carrier can lose an order. If the tracking number is still not working within a few days, please contact the shipping carrier.
Orders from our store typically ship within 5 to 10 business days. For international orders, transit will take an additional 1 to 2 weeks.
If your order has not arrived after 10 business days (domestic) and 20 business days (international), please contact us for timely support.
What type of payments do you accept?
At the moment, we accept payments via Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
When you shop at Zattcap.com, you can always be confident that your purchases are safe and secure. You are protected when shopping here as every transaction is safe and secure.
Zattcap.com has taken precautionary measures to make sure every customer is fully protected. Our website is set up so that it does not capture any part of your financial information which means we will never gain access to your credit card information.
Just after your order has been successfully placed.
We strictly adhere to the highest industry standards to protect your personal information when you checkout and purchase from our store.
Your credit card information is encrypted during transmission using secure socket layer (SSL) technology, which is widely used on the Internet for processing payments. Your credit card information is only used to complete the requested transaction and is not subsequently stored.